26 Easy Bible Verses For Kids to Memorize

These are very easy bible verses for kids to memorize, whether your kids, or your church’s Sunday school, these are great verses to increase their awareness of who they are, what is required of them, and who God is, and His plans for their lives. “To Timothy, my true son in the faith…” 1 Timothy … Read more

Eat that Frog: How to Stop Procrastinating

You know these moms who wake up early, like an hour before the rest of the family, and who have cleaned and tidied their entire home, completed a full cycle of washing, drying, and folding the laundry, and have accomplished a dozen other tasks before 10 a.m.? I sometimes envy them. But I am definitely … Read more

Helping Children to Keep Their Hearts Pure

Every time I held my baby in my arms and looked into his bright, blue eyes, I felt like I was looking right into heaven. It often made me think of what Jesus said: “And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me.” Matthew 18:5. This little bundle of joy truly is a … Read more

How Often Do You Seek The Throne of Grace?

Do you know where to get help? When life’s circumstances overwhelm, and nothing seems to be working out as planned. When the days are messy, and the children are fighting all the time, and you feel tired, and your husband is late from work. But do you know the place where you can find mercy and … Read more

Why Did Jesus Come As a Baby?

Have you ever wondered why the Son of God came to earth as a baby? I sure have. I mean, if His sole purpose was to die as a perfect, blameless sacrifice to deliver us from sin and death, then why was Jesus Christ born as a baby? Why did He first have to grow up, like the rest … Read more

Eating the Word of God Daily

Eating the word of God daily is essential for our spiritual growth. As the Lord said to Ezekiel here: “Son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not join them in their rebellion. Open your mouth, and eat what I give you.” Then I looked and saw a hand reaching out to … Read more

Jesus and The Fig Tree

Reading: Mark 11:12-26 The story of the fig tree that Jesus cursed on His way from Bethany to Jerusalem, which withered and died right to the roots, is a familiar one.  It demonstrates Jesus’ authority over all things – and the power of faith. Jesus tells His disciples, who are astonished that the tree has … Read more

He is Risen: Jesus Christ Has Rose From The Grave

As usually the case with Easter Sunday approaches, the supermarkets are full of brightly packaged, alluring chocolate eggs, and Christians all around the world prepare to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Surprisingly, much more focus in some spheres of influence seems to be given to the horrific events of Good … Read more

21 Bible Verses About Putting God First

Who is the most important person in your life? Your spouse or partner? Your kids? Your parents? In the world in which we live, those are probably the most natural and predictable responses. For some people, it may not even be a person that occupies the top spot in their lives – it might be … Read more

What Does The Bible Say About Loneliness?

What does the bible say about loneliness?  Let me start by saying that as Christians, there are certain things that we need to grow into maturity in our faith. Like sapling trees or plant seedlings, we need nurturing. Of course, the most important nourishment we can give ourselves is Spiritual Food in the form of … Read more