Bible Verses About Walking in Faith and Not by Sight

Faith: it’s either you have it, or you don’t; there is no in-between. Moreover, if you have ever wondered what the bible says about walking by faith: you’ve landed on the right page. Faith is essential for victorious living, powerful, and an effective weapon of engagement that anyone can use to make demands on God: … Read more

Fine Christian Jewelry Earrings for Woman

christian jewelry earrings

Earrings make the perfect gift because they are always the right fit in any shape, size, and color imaginable.  From beaded earrings to diamond earrings and everything in between, the right pair will give you that Godly, royal, and peculiar look that is befitting a child of the King (the Most High God).  Things To Consider When … Read more

Healing Scriptures for Rejection

We’ve all been turned down at some point in our lives, whether it was by a new love interest, a job application, or not being invited to a social event at church or with close friends. Whatever kind of rejection you’re dealing with, the fact remains that rejection hurts — and when you put your … Read more

15 Healing Scriptures for Dizziness

Do you feel dizzy? Have been feeling dizzy lately? Or, do you struggle with chronic dizziness?  The scripture promises us good health, whether, in spirit, soul, spirit, or body, God wants His people to be healthy. But this isn’t the case where the devil is concerned, satan’s will and intention is that you be unwell, … Read more

Hair Growth: Healing Scriptures for Hair Loss in the Bible

Asking God for more hair? You aren’t the first and won’t be the last person to do so. God is about to answer your prayer for hair growth, all you need to do from here on is to read, receive, meditate, and believe in these powerful scriptures for hair growth that God has given you as … Read more

30+ Healing Scriptures for Dementia

Because we’re all human, our bodies break down as we get older, and our mind loses their flexibility as well. For some, the degeneration is severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of dementia. Simple things that are simple for others are now difficult to complete when coping with dementia. The flip side is that even … Read more

10 Healing Scriptures for the Body

Even before Covid 19, many people were battling with something or the other to stay alive. And now that there is a global pandemic, we are facing greater fear of illness, as well as the potential impact on those with pre-existing medical conditions.  Where do we go from here? Maybe no one knows, but one … Read more

25 Healing Scriptures for a Sick Friend

Finding the right words to tell a friend who’s sick isn’t easy. I can only imagine who you feel right now looking at your friend and wishing you can do something more to help them recover their health. While you may not be able to make your friend regain their health, I know someone who … Read more

22 Healing Scriptures for Eyesight

Isaiah 54:17

Today I will share 22 healing scriptures for eyesight that will help you, through faith in God, regain your vision. Physically, our eyes are by far the most important sense organs. We receive up to 80% of all impressions through our sense of sight; when other senses: such as taste and smell, fail, it is … Read more